Filtering for "Flask"

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Flask Unit Testing

For the longest time I haven’t found good examples online on how to unit test Flask applications. Especially when following clean architecture, and when using dependency injection. That is why I decided to write this post. Flask is a minimalistic web framework, so I understand that most …

Flask database migrations using Flask-Migrate

Flask-Migrate is a python package that configures SQLAlchemy and Alembic for your Flask application. Alembic is the migration tool that actually takes care of database migrations under the hood. It can automatically generate migration files based on database schema models, and apply those migrations …

Python Flask Dependency Injection

One the best features of Flask is that it’s a “microframework”, meaning it’s easy to get started and to extend as the project grows. However, sometimes projects grow so large that it becomes hard to maintain all the dependencies and coupling between components. This is where dependency injection can …