
Going Back to Fundamentals: C/C++ and Data Structures & Algorithms

Going Back to Fundamentals: C/C++ and Data Structures & Algorithms

The last few years, I’ve mostly been writing Python and JavaScript at work. Don’t get me wrong—these languages are versatile and powerful, perfect for a wide range of applications. But if there’s one thing I’ve noticed, it’s how easy it is to lose touch with the fundamentals of how computers work. Python and JavaScript abstract…

Loading Microsoft C/C++ DLLs in Windows Containers

Loading Microsoft C/C++ DLLs in Windows Containers

In the past few days, I have been working with Windows containers, and I have been facing issues with loading certain DLLs in these containers from my applications. It has been the classic “It works on my machine” problem, meaning it has been working without any issues on my host Windows machine. However, when running…